Feeling Strata-stressed in Queensland? Here's How to Switch Body Corporate Managers

Let's face it, Queensland strata fees can feel like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole – they just keep popping up, while the quality of service seems to mysteriously disappear. Sound familiar? If your body corporate is leaving you feeling frustrated and unheard, you're not alone. But there's good news! You, along with your fellow property owners, have the power to switch body corporate managers in QLD.

This guide will walk you through the process, drawing inspiration from real-life experiences shared on Reddit.

Why Consider a Body Corporate Manager Change?


Here are some common reasons why you might want to explore a new body corporate manager:

  • Rising Fees, Sinking Service: Are your fees steadily increasing without a corresponding improvement in service? This is a big red flag.
  • Unresolved Issues: Feeling like you're constantly playing whack-a-mole with problems the current manager isn't effectively addressing?
  • Communication Breakdown: Do you feel kept in the dark about decisions or finances? Transparency is key in a healthy strata scheme.

Can You Ditch the Current Manager in Secret?

Nope! Decisions regarding the body corporate manager must be made democratically through a vote at a General Meeting (AGM) or Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).

The Steps to Take Back Control

  1. Gather Your Evidence: Keep a record of rising fees, poor service, or unresolved issues. This documentation will be your ammunition when advocating for change.

  2. Seek Out Superhero Strata Managers: Talk to friends, property managers, and colleagues to see if they have any recommendations for stellar strata management companies. Reach out to several companies with positive reviews and compare their services and contracts.

  3. Become a Neighborhood Liaison: Don't underestimate the power of a friendly chat! Talk to your neighbors about their experiences. Door knocking can reveal shared frustrations and gain valuable support for a change. Being on the strata committee can be a big advantage here.

  4. Know Your Rights: Contact the Queensland Office of Fair Trading (Fair Trading) for guidance on the legalities of changing body corporate managers.

  5. Prepare for the Big Meeting:

    • Timing is Crucial: If your current contract is nearing its end, propose a motion at the AGM/EGM to terminate the existing manager and appoint a new one.
    • Proxy Power: If some owners can't attend the meeting, encourage them to grant you voting proxies.
    • Highlight Your Heroes: Present your research on alternative body corporate managers, focusing on cost-effectiveness and improved service.
  6. Campaign Like a Pro:

    • Facts are Your Friends: Back up your arguments with evidence of rising fees or poor service.
    • Address Concerns: Be prepared to answer questions about the proposed new manager and the potential transition process.

Bonus Tips:

  • Consider a Shorter Contract Renewal: If you're not ready to switch immediately, propose a shorter contract renewal with the current manager to light a fire under them and incentivize better performance.
  • Prepare for Resistance: Some committee members might resist change due to established relationships. But remember, you only need a majority vote to make a difference.

Remember, you and your fellow owners deserve a well-managed strata scheme! By following these steps and working together, you can navigate the process of switching body corporate managers in Queensland and achieve a more positive and cost-effective outcome for everyone. Now go forth and conquer those strata stresses!


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